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Applications are out!!!

Returning Member Applications and New Member Applications are both due April 15th.
Board Applications are due March 17th.

Back To School Registration:

In a normal school year, Student Council would spearhead Back To School Registration. However, it will look different this year. That being said, the tentative plan is for registration to be held August 19, 20, & 21 split up by last name time frames. Click here to reference the Unit 5 Back to School Registration Plan. Student Council members must volunteer for two shifts from either 10:00-1:00pm or 3:00-5:00pm on these days. Click here to sign up for a shift.

T-Shirt Information:

The designs for the 2021-2022 Student Council t-shirts are in! Each shirt is $10 at time of pickup. Please make sure you fill out the Google Form so we can order the correct size for you :)

Student Council Shirt

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